Local Green Party activists support an incredible Heath by-election campaign
Polls open on Thursday – You can help deliver the change Cardiff needs
Wales Green Party, Plaid Cymru and local activists have been leafletting and canvassing together in all weathers as the excitement builds for the heath by-election this Thursday, 11th November. This exciting opportunity for the Common Ground campaign sees the alliance standing Gwennol Haf, a local resident.
The alliance pledges;
- To protect and enhance Heath Park and all public green spaces
- Provide safer, accessible routes for walkers and cyclists
- Better control of traffic, providing cleaner air to breathe
- Tackle the climate crisis with action, not just words
- Represent residents – Giving the Heath Community real democratic power
Just days after announcing this ground-breaking alliance in Cardiff for the Council elections, the resignation of an independent councillor in north Cardiff provided an unexpected boost.
Helen Westhead, Cardiff Green Party Communications Officer added;
‘The alliance has been well received by a community ready to embrace this fresh approach to delivering the change that Cardiff needs. Widespread enthusiasm for the alliance has mobilised volunteers, activists and supporters to get out there and experience how effective we are working side-by-side. It has been inspiring to see grown up, cooperative politics hit the ground.’
Thanks to volunteer efforts over 5,500 leaflets have been delivered through letterboxes across the Heath ward.For Heath residents the Polls open at 7am on Thursday, and full details can be found here –
You can help secure our first Common Ground representative on Cardiff Council!
Follow and support the campaign on social media @CardiffGreens #CommonGround
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